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Tag Archives: bait/lure selection

Colors Underwater


You can start some good arguments/discussions in a group of anglers by bringing up the subject of color.  Everyone has an opinion on the importance of color in catching fish, and some guys have several opinions.  What I will tell you is that we know that fish can see colors, that is a scientific fact.  It ain’t rocket science, but it is fisheries science.  We even know that different species of fish have different sensitivities to different colors. When doing …

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Tourney Time

If you watched ESPN over the weekend, you might have caught some of their week-late broadcasting of the BASSMaster Classic.  Yes, the tournament actually happened a week ago, but ESPN chooses to bury it for a week.  In other words, if you really care, you know all about it before it hits ESPN.  Whatever.  B.A.S.S. also has decided to hold their “super bowl” to begin the season now, and that pretty much means they will always fish some southern water …

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